Sunday, December 25, 2011

How to increase revenue with Adsense

For those who are beginning to try to Make Money on the Internet, this article may be useful in some way. Many people can get an extra income through Google Adsense and there is no reason that prevents you be next.
Here are some tips that may help.
Use the URL right.Sites who charge $ 1000 per day during the first months of life gained $ 1 or less per day. Therefore do not be discouraged if at first very little charge.
One way to increase traffic to your blog is changing the permalinks structure you use. For example, instead of using a URL like this use / earn-money / writing.
This way you are increasing your chances of being found through search engines like Google.
Colors and BordersI see in many blogs Adsense ads with colored borders. mesmo.Tente not make use colors so that the ads look like anything but the anúncios.Se will not do to say to your readers, here's an ad, please move away.
Choose colors similar to the look of your blog.
Of course to do this you must always comply with the terms and conditions of Google Adsense.
Size does matter.Believe me when I tell you that the size of the squares ads importa.Utilize largos.Terá a greater chance of your readers click.Forget the small ads, never worked with me or anyone you know, unless it makes sense with the theme of your blog.Em doubt, opt for large ads.
Choose the right places.When deciding where to place your ads, choose, first, the locals immediately visible when the player enters his página.Não expect them to read your article at the end to see the ads.
You can also try to incorporate the advertisements into the papers and it is always good in the beginning trying to figure out what the best solution.
Try placing ads in several locais.Faça experience during one week in each place and then you can draw your conclusion.
Whenever in doubt, put ads at the top.
This is a tutorial for beginners who want to make money with Google Adsense.

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